Jul 26, 2024

Strata 8, Book of Immersion V1, Shabra, (Laws of Attraction)

Watch the family friendly version on YouTube.

Welcome to Immersion
You have reached Strata 8

Sexual attraction for humans is dictated by a reflex to engage in intimacy with others. This phenomenon can be influenced by physical cues alone, the way a human looks, moves, speaks and so on.

Romantic attraction may be described as deeper and yet may still be instantaneous, spurred on by feelings of wanting a relationship with another.

These two desires may appear together in a deep power of attraction.

The psychology of attraction is most peculiar to humans. It is not possible to create this phenomenon in machines whose methods of attraction use logical conditions to draw entities towards them. Predefined targets for machine attention avoid accidents, although machines are notorious for repeatedly targeting their attention on non compliant humans.

Likewise, human attraction is usually nonreciprocal. A machine programmed to give a human all it needs will often reap better results. But when dealing with human desires, neither machine nor human can ever guarantee positive results.

Flex shouted an apology
Jerome shouted back, 'No *ishy, brother,' as he stamped on another Scritter. 'Damn those nasty little *mudafinks!'

Renyke exited the concrete compound with Flex running anxiously behind.

The *robodog had waited patiently at the entrance and began wagging its tail and leaping around.

Maybeline crawled out of Renyke's coat and nudged his cheek. Renyke spotted some graffiti with the Redact logo near the underpass.

That's where I am going Flex, this place look....' The image was haunting. Dreamlike figures entwined the stark lettering.

'You sure you did the right thing brother?' asked Flex, who was now feeling agitated. His naive friend was likely to lead him into trouble. Perhaps it was time to take charge of the matter.

'Wheels is speed, wheels is protection my friend. We gonna stand out like *fucksyfools on the streets. People gonna target us! Word spreads fast.' Flex explained staring at the image.

'I can manage quite well,' said Renyke, 'You don't need to .......' Renyke trails off, distracted by a woman on a car roof.

She glances over at Renyke and blows a kiss then whistles.

'Why did she do that? What does it mean?' Renyke began to quiz Flex.

'It means you need to ask her for a lift, my friend, lady got an eye for the bright boy all shiny and clean, get in now while we got hope for a good end.'

Flex gives Renyke a little shove.

'Are you mocking me?'

Renyke was genuinely unsure. He had always grappled with humour. Incongruous remarks always had to be analysed closely. A false analysis could be incompatible with overall provision of human satisfaction, which was paramount to his function in the world.

Mabel had used the word *nuke about some of her friends.

'I believe the woman to be nuke, explained Renyke, continuing with some confidence.
She exhibits a powerful energy, enough to engage a compelling force as I look on.' 

'Hahahahahaha.....' laughed Flex, 'you will make things worse, trust me, I have experience.
Follow me,' said Flex, confidently leading the way.

The woman was sitting on the roof of the car smoking a pipe and making smoke rings.

Renyke felt a momentary surge of something unknown deep inside him. Was it fear he wondered, Trepidation? 

Things were not computing as expected.

He checks the POS for his health levels.

...Normal activity presenting. 99.9% battery remaining. 

Renyke felt a strange fluttering feeling in his belly and asks POS for more information.

...the woman is human, she has no scars or injuries to suggest she is battle scarred and carries no weapons on her person. The vehicle appears to be armoured but I cannot read its data systems...I predicts a low danger threat based on her gender and size....

The woman whistled, 'Hey!'

'Like the coat! Cool *toggies. You wanna *swapsie-trade?'

The woman jumped off the car and lifted her fist for an air bump followed by an elbow bump, then a salute. Renyke tried to keep up but was cumbersome. He had seen these manoeuvres in old films on the *tellywebs but he had never actually performed them.

' asked the woman in a strong accent.' Renyke guessed what she meant and said,

'I need transport, not far, just to Redact, do know that place?'

The woman laughed.....'Man like you, looks way too soft for the *guanty-travel.'

Renyke checks the POS.

'gaunty-travel'......colloquial, Zoners' slang roughly translates as a very dangerous journey

'But I can take you to the second-zone, five miles nearer, then you gotta make your own ways,' she continues.

'What you go by?' she asks.

Renyke looks confused.......

'I'm Shabra. Lady of the Shadows, where I go no light follows, ya hear me soldier? I travel at night where there are no lights.'

'I'm Renyke,' he said, trying to decipher the poetry.

You wanna swapsie-trade the coat, or you got me somtin sweeta? I take *nibs, *bits.......1000 *G-bits and you got me hired. But I like that coat too.'

'It's a good deal man, said Flex, 'good deal, five miles is five miles. We come too, me n the dog! I got no ties to this street tonight.'

Flex looks at Shabra who sighs, 'Yeah yeah, whoever, no pipin' in my *vicular though.'

Renyke knows that Flex could be useful and the robodog too. 

OK, you get the coat when we get there, said Renyke, feeling chuffed that he was finally able to make his first 'deal' with a human.


to be continued

@2023 Sarnia de la Mare

https://lounges.tv/profile/suzukischool for our Saturday workshops.

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽถ12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Marรฉ FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

VIDEO BOOKS by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1 Book of Immersion

Strata 2 Book of Immersion

Strata 3 Book of Immersion

Strata 4 Book of Immersion

Strata 5 Book of Immersion

Strata 6 Book of Immersion

Episodes with text

#tools #contentcreators #music #freeringtones #freeloops #freelyrics #news #breakingnews #books #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub

Strata 9, Immersion V1, Loins and Lust (Limerence)

lovers embrace art painting iServalan art

Limerence is a uniquely human phenomenon that new lovers, potential lovers and sometimes even strangers, may experience. Limerence is a state of mind (not solely romantic) that typically includes persistent, sometimes depressing thoughts, and a deep yearning for the object of one's affection. It can be easily confused with love. Often human beings can find themselves addicted to these obsessive feelings and can easily be overwhelmed by adoration for another human being. Limerence cannot be turned on and off like a machine. It can come from nowhere and disappear without logic. The experience of this sensory state is proven to be inspiring, connective, unifying, disruptive, and even excruciating, yet it continues to mark the human trajectory of existence through time and place.

Renyke thinks for a moment then says

'Ok, I will swap my coat but not until we get to the *edge,'

Shabra smiles and nods.

'OK, *dundeal Mr. Renyke Man. We go tonight when the dark takes. Safer see.'


The group is in an enclosure flanked by half-deconstructed concrete walls. There are large metal containers lying around with shrubbery and foliage trying to make a stand against the manmade environment.

Tumbleweed played in the soft wind searching for a home.

Flex kicked some redundant ashes by an upturned metal water tank.

'I can make us a fire,' he said excitedly.

Maybeline scurries around searching for food and sniffing the air.

She smells something, danger is afoot.

Flex is armed with a pocket of lighters.

He wears a brightly coloured patchwork gaberdine style overcoat with inside pockets that have everything a nomad would need. There are small pieces of mechanical paraphernalia, vintage innards from antique items, little motors. He even has motherboards and old PC parts.

‘Do you take this stuff everywhere you go?’ asks Renyke.

‘Yes sir-ee, some days man’dun gotta make *swapsie-trade.

Everything has a use in the Zones brother.'

Renyke began to pace, ’Shabra is taking her time,’ he said standing near the opening of the enclosure.

‘She’ll come, she is huntin’ tis all my friend. You got attached already?’

Renyke stared at Flex a moment.

‘We need that ride," he said.

Then he checked the OS whose signal was intermittent.

'.......What are the signs of being attracted to somebody?'

The OS took a moment to compile a response……..

……Do you mean In humans Renyke?

'……yes, yes, of course ‘humans’, Renyke replied.'

The OS continued

…..nervousness around the subject of the attraction

…..extended thoughts about the subject

…..obsessive thoughts beyond normal curiosity about the subject

…..insomnia due to obsessive considerations of the subject

…..anxiety over possible outcomes of imaginary scenarios involving the subject

…..a desire to touch the intimate parts of the subject

…..dreams about the subject

…..fantasy building scenarios between the human and the subject

…..being overly concerned about….

‘Enough,’ said Renyke.

Finally Shabra returned.

She carried two dead animals in her belt and washed a wide glinting blade under the water that flows from a broken pipe behind the container.

‘This water’s good. We can fill up the tanks and flask before we go.’

The new acquaintances are relaxed and considering preparing for the short but dangerous car journey to the Edge.

Shabra checked the vehicle mechanics, the doors and metal buttresses worked in perfect synch and there were six exhausts. She filled the water kegs and put them in the boot.

‘Where is the vehicle from?’ Asked Renyke.

‘I built it,' answered Shabra, 'from scratch. 'Well, I had several wrecks and put my beaut together.

Me n her, we like lovers. She drives me crazy with her vibes.’

Shabra looked at Renyke parting her lips into a wry smile. They were oily from the fat of the meal.

She winked through long dark lashes.

Renyke felt a thump in his heart, a deep penetrating surge of something enthralling.

Suddenly there is a distant high-pitched sound, like a siren or swarm. It seems to be getting louder when Flex and Shabra grab Renyke, throwing him into the vehicle.

Seconds later they were surrounded by a marauding mass of screaming children. some were made of broken body parts with human faces, others were small walking babies with burnt skin. Some had extra limbs and even two heads. They were crying and screeching, banging toy drums and chanting verses.

to be continued

2023 Sarnia de la Mare / Tale Teller Club

iServalan LogoSPREAKER        APPLE PODCAST      SPOTIFY.          I❤️RADIO

Find out more about the Tale Teller Club
iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. 
Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays 
Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. 
Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 

Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽถ12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Jul 24, 2024

Rife Vibes Live Music and Art Therapy at the Tale Teller Club with iServalan

iServalan Logo
I am thrilled to announce the new TV show here at Tale Teller Club with live therapy session through music and painting.
I will be drawing and painting live whilst playing the Tale Teller Club music therapy Rife Vibe recording.
The recording use embedded vibrations for healing and we have a growing catalogue all available on iTunes, YouTube, Spotify etc.

You can access the live and recorded shows below. 
My first session is on the 1st of August and then weekly.
Music Therapy Banner tale Teller Club

Artist iServalan will be painting live to the music of the Tale Teller Club using Rife Vibes Therapy recordings. The healing music has deep embedded vibrations to heal.

The Tale Teller Club produces music therapy using Rife resonance vibrations and meditative beats.

What does Music Therapy by Tale Teller Club involve?

The Tale Teller Club offers live music sessions with iServalan, featuring Vapor Punk, Flex, and friends' dreamy background vocals. They use a blend of cello, piano, rain and nature sounds, and binaural beats to create cerebral and meditative music. These resonances are said to focus the mind and heal absent-mindedness, malaise and even chronic medical conditions.

The club aims to expand its music therapy range, including treatments for mental illnesses like schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.

You can find free videos on their YouTube channel or book one-on-one sessions through their website, Tale Teller Club.

Rife Vibes Live Music and Art Therapy Sessions:

The club also hosts live music and art therapy sessions. You can explore these on their Spreaker podcast.

Remember, music therapy can have positive effects on well-being, and Tale Teller Club combines it with Rife vibrations for healing. ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒŸ

iServalan is a painter and artist from London. This live painting session will use calm and gentle processes to make artworks that will be filled without conversation. You will be able to ask questions on the chat box.

Rife resonance vibrations refer to a concept associated with Royal Raymond Rife, an American inventor and researcher. Here’s a brief overview:

Royal Raymond Rife:

Rife was a scientist and inventor who lived in the early 20th century.

He claimed to have discovered a frequency-based therapy that could treat various health conditions.

His work centered around the idea that specific frequencies could destroy harmful microorganisms (such as viruses and bacteria) without harming healthy cells.

Rife Resonance Vibrations:

Rife believed that each microorganism had a unique resonant frequency at which it could be destroyed.

He developed a device called the “Rife Machine” (also known as the “Rife Frequency Generator”).

The Rife Machine emitted specific frequencies to target and disrupt the vibrational patterns of pathogens.

Advocates claimed that this therapy could cure diseases, including cancer.

Whilst beliefs such as these lack scientific proof, musicians have long understood the value of vibration, the unison of fifths for example, the ability to hear vibrations as sounds, and the gift of music to heal.

Vagus Nerve and Healing through the Tale Teller Club Rife Vibes recordings:

The vagus nerve (also known as the tenth cranial nerve) plays a crucial role in regulating essential bodily functions.

It extends from the brainstem to various organs, including the heart, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.

Key functions of the vagus nerve include heart rate regulation, digestion, and stress response modulation.

Stimulation of the vagus nerve through music and vibration can promote relaxation, reduce inflammation, and impact the gut-brain axis.

Binaural Beats:

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion created when you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies simultaneously.

Your brain interprets these tones as a beat with a specific frequency.

The frequency-following effect occurs, aligning your brain activity with the beat’s frequency.

Brain Waves and Binaural Beats:

Neurons in your brain create different brain waves, measurable by electroencephalography (EEG).

Binaural beats influence brain waves, leading to various mental states:

Delta (1-4 Hz): Deep sleep, healing, pain relief, and access to the unconscious mind.

Theta (4-8 Hz): Meditation, deep relaxation, and creativity.

Alpha (8-14 Hz): Focused productivity, relaxation, stress reduction, and positive thinking.

Health Benefits:

Reduced anxiety and stress.

Increased focus, concentration, and motivation.

Enhanced relaxation and positive mood.

Better sleep habits and pain management.

Remember that binaural beats can be a valuable tool for promoting well-being, but always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿง˜‍♂️๐ŸŽง

Find out more about the Tale Teller Club
iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽถ12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

My Red Scooter A Free Kids' Rap by Toddle Poddle

Jul 23, 2024

Live Arts and Crafts TV workshop Saturday Morning - Toddle Poddle™ ๐Ÿฆ„

https://lounges.tv/profile/suzukischool for our Saturday workshops.

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽถ12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Marรฉ FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

VIDEO BOOKS by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1 Book of Immersion

Strata 2 Book of Immersion

Strata 3 Book of Immersion

Strata 4 Book of Immersion

Strata 5 Book of Immersion

Strata 6 Book of Immersion

Episodes with text

#tools #contentcreators #music #freeringtones #freeloops #freelyrics #news #breakingnews #books #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub

Live Arts and Crafts TV workshop Saturday Morning - Toddle Poddle™ ๐Ÿฆ„ (ma...

Hello everybody!
 Welcome to Toddle Poddle TV and Toddle Poddle radio.
 Now, I've got some really fabulous news! We are launching toddle poddle TV, well it's already launched actually, you can go along to toddle puddle TV on lounges TV.  I'll sort all that out in a minute and you can basically find us and get lots of free stuff, so our news, there's some news bulletins up and there are some stories and some videos and as far as I can remember they're all free but certainly they'll be all free in about 5 minutes when I've made sure they're all free!

I get very forgetful guys and the big news is that on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. I am starting the live Art Club Saturdays. I am so excited. So what's going to happen, well for two hours and if it if it's going well I'll do three, but probably just two hours because that's quite a long time isn't it?

Although I'm I'm in my kitchen and I've got a huge table so I can always have a coppa or some orange juice if I get you know if I'm talking too much I get a dry mouth.

 Now the good news is that if you haven't got the app and if you don't want to pay because it's going to be £3 to come to the to the video um streaming site if you don't want to pay I am going to be putting up the recording or some of it on the podcast. But I do think I have a 15 minute limit so I'll just maybe put up a bit of it so you can you can hear if you like the idea of it and then you'll be able to come on the following Saturday. Because guys, I'm going to be doing this every Saturday because I'm really ay and I love love love getting out my glue and my round end scissors and my paper my wrapping paper my paints my water my Bros my belt tips my fabric paints all of these different things I've got a a big thing that I store everything on you'll see it you'll see it if you come along to the show and you'll be able to look in awe in amazement and joy at my wonderful art materials because I've got so much guys honestly I've got absolutely masses so what I thought we'd do this Workshop is we'll start with some simple drawing exercises things like simple animals simple flowers things like that maybe a house and a tree and a garden and then we'll move on to some um people faces and bodies and arms and things like that okay I'm going to try and make this for all ages and that's quite difficult so we'll be doing things that you know would suit perhaps a three or four year old and right up to maybe a 10y old that's my hope um because you know sometimes it's really good to see what the older kids are doing and sometimes it's really good to see what the younger kids are doing um and if you want if you're at the lounge and you're able to if you've got a computer or whatever your mom and dad's there you can upload stuff and you could message me and you could say could you show me how to do an ear maybe something like that could you show me how to do a puppy yeah and I can if I've got time and it's not something silly that you've asked for well no not silly something obscure that I've never drawn before like an armadillo or a Dodo I don't I know a Dodo is a bird but I don't actually know what it looks like but you know we've got the internet and I'll have my iPad so I could look one up what live at the workshop and then I could say about drawing one copying one see how we get on with that I think it's going to be really really good fun so there we go that's just an update 2 hours toddle puddle Arts Workshop is what it's called now if you go to lounges.in there and you search toddle puddle right or if you go to the um YouTube channel or you go to even the blog so just search toddle puddle get Mom or Dad to do it search toddle puddle and you should be able able to find our blog and there's a direct link on the blog to the live TV okay so exciting guys I honestly I can't wait tell your friends everyone can come doesn't matter who where what how you could be living in timbuk to you could be living in Australia could be living in America United Kingdom Germany France Spain all of these countries Ukraine wherever you live you will be able to access the workshop so you'll be in a way you'll be in the biggest class imaginable because it will include so many people from around the world how exciting now if you miss it because you didn't make it worry not because it will be available afterwards the whole um recording will be available afterwards and you'll be able to access that on the toddle poddle channel on lounges TV okay so guys I can't I'm so excited I can't wait to see you there lots of love from toddle puddle yay

https://lounges.tv/profile/suzukischool for our Saturday workshops.

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŽถ12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Marรฉ FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

VIDEO BOOKS by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1 Book of Immersion

Strata 2 Book of Immersion

Strata 3 Book of Immersion

Strata 4 Book of Immersion

Strata 5 Book of Immersion

Strata 6 Book of Immersion

Episodes with text

#tools #contentcreators #music #freeringtones #freeloops #freelyrics #news #breakingnews #books #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub