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Showing posts with label Bedtime Story. Show all posts

Aug 1, 2024

The Journalist by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA for Tale Teller Club Publishing Horror Collection

The Journalist by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

In the small, isolated village of Dreadsham Hollow, nestled deep within the shadows of ancient, towering trees, a chilling tale unfolded. The townsfolk spoke in hushed whispers about the mysterious disappearance of anyone who ventured into the forbidden woods after nightfall. Legends told of an otherworldly presence, a malevolent force that lurked in the darkness, waiting for unsuspecting souls to cross its path.

A young woman, a journalist named Emma, drawn to the allure of the unknown and under instructions from the newspaper to dig up something interesting, arrived in Dreadsham Hollow to investigate the eerie happenings. Armed with a sense of curiosity and a determination to uncover the truth, she delved into the town's haunted history. Locals warned her to stay away from the woods after sunset, but Emma scoffed at their superstitions, dismissing them as the product of overactive imaginations.

As night fell, a dense fog enshrouded Dreadsham Hollow, transforming the once-familiar surroundings into a disorientating labyrinth. Undeterred, Emma ventured into the forbidden woods, guided only by the pale glow of her flashlight. The batteries were on their way out, twisted branches clawed at her from the shadows, whispering unsettling secrets that sent shivers down her spine. An icy wind hit her face and she drew a sharp breath.

The air grew thick with an unnatural silence, broken only by the distant echoes of her footsteps snapping foliage underfoot. Suddenly, the temperature plummeted, and the forest seemed to come alive with a sinister energy. Emma's head her breath as she felt an unseen presence closing in around her.

A soft, haunting melody drifted through the air. Was it real? Emma stumbled upon an ancient graveyard, the tombstones weathered and cracked. The melody intensified, echoing between the gnarled trees. An owl hooted a warning and Emma froze. Mesmerized and unable to turn back, she followed the eerie tune until she reached a dilapidated mansion, long forgotten by time.

The front door creaked open with a slow spine-chilling moan as if welcoming her to its long-lost secrets. The melody, now an unsettled with discordant harmonies, guided Emma through the decaying halls. Flickering candlelight revealed ghostly apparitions of the mansion's former inhabitants, trapped in a choreography that echoed their tragic past. Shadows seemed to depict violent deaths and suffering and the desperate wails sang with an anguished choir. Still the song drew the journalist in on her quest for discovery.

As Emma reached the heart of the mansion, the haunting melody reached a crescendo. A figure materialized before her – a spectral presence clad in tattered, blood-stained garments. Hollow eyes met hers, and a ghostly hand extended toward her, beckoning her to join the eternal waltz. As Emma touched his hand a flash of the man once there, dashing, cavalier, handsome. He drew her in for a caress and a kiss like no other.

In a panic, and coming to her senses, Emma tried to escape the grip of the dashing suitor, but the mansion's walls seemed to close in around her. The haunting melody echoed in her mind, driving her to the brink of madness. Whispers of long-forgotten tragedies, of lovers spawned and duels at dawn, filled the air as the overpowering force tightened its grip on her soul.

The townsfolk awoke the next morning to an eerie stillness in Dreadsham Hollow. The forbidden woods, now engulfed in an otherworldly mist, held the secrets of Emma's disappearance. Legends of the haunted mansion and the ghostly waltz persisted, a warning to all who dared to unravel the mysteries that lurked in the shadows of Ravenswood. Emma was never seen again.

The Journalist by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA
© 2023 Sarnia de la Mare

Jul 29, 2024

The Rat Gang Crew and the Overgrounders, CH 2, The Special Meeting is Called

Chapter 2

'This is not good news,' said Scarlett, after a panting Amelie had told her everything she had seen from that day.

Because Scarlett was the oldest member of the Rat Gang Crew, she was able to understand a bit more about things. She remembered how the entire population of their species, along with their friends the mice, had been forced out of the beautiful burrows they had built over generations. Family homes filled with the most precious possessions they had created with their own paws were destroyed. Lovely carpets, hand woven with the most luxurious cat and dog fur from the dog-walk forest paths, and the prettiest feathers from the new parrot colonies in London. Even paw paintings of their great ancestors who looked down from burrow walls and made everyone feel like they belonged, were lost to the construction companies.

But the rats and mice were not alone. Many of their friends were made homeless too. Other animals who liked to sleep underground like foxes, meerkats, and wombats, to name but a few.
'What's happening Scarlett? Please tell us.....' said Atlas, who was staying over for the summer holidays from Auntie's house.

'The diggers came and dug up our homes as if they were built of paper or sand. It happened so quickly and many of our kind were unable to leave before it was too late.'

Ivy began to sob. 'Oh no, whatever will happen to us?' she said, drying her eyes on Atlas's favourite scarf.

'It was so lucky you saw Amelie, you will get the special medal of Brave Rat Girl for this,' said Scarlett. But for now we must focus on a plan. If and how we can stop the diggers and how we can protect our families and friends from harm. We will need to ask the Foxes, Mole Rats, Armadillos and Toads to help us. We need all the friends we can get!'

'Will you call a special meeting?' asked Ivy, I really like the special meetings.'

'I can make some berry pie,' said Amelie.

'Oh I love berry pie,' shouted Atlas. He had not had berry pie since Christmas and that was ages ago.

'Look guys, we need to keep things under wraps for now,' whispered Scarlett.
'What does under wraps mean?' whispered Ivy in reply.

'It means, keep your voice down, we don't want to worry grandma unnecessarily as she is very elderly,' said Atlas.

The next day, after a night filled with horrid visions, Scarlett, Atlas, Amelie and Ivy, took paw-written letters to the oldest kids in the crew gangs that surrounded the rat and mouse homes. Rats and mice had lived peacefully together since the move to Rodentia where they now lived. They even had some hamster and gerbil families who had moved in as they were refugees from a far off land with nowhere to go.

Rodentia was a beautiful town and everyone had worked hard to create it. Having to leave would be a terrible upheaval especially for the elders.

The paw-written letters said this.

Dear Crews,
It has come to the attention of the Rat Gang Crew that there is danger afoot.
Our homes are at risk if we do not do something soon.
As it is the summer holidays the Rat Gang Crew would like to organise a 'special meeting' in the secret empty burrow under the football pitch at Critters Farm this evening at 6pm.
Please tell as few people as necessary as this is a very dangerous time.

Yours Sincerely,

Scarlett Rat Girl from the Rat Gang Crew.

PS There will be berry pie.

Find out more about the Tale Teller Club
iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

VIDEO BOOKS by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1 Book of Immersion

Strata 2 Book of Immersion

Strata 3 Book of Immersion

Strata 4 Book of Immersion

Strata 5 Book of Immersion

Strata 6 Book of Immersion

Episodes with text

#reading #animation #music #freeringtones #freeloops #freelyrics #news #breakingnews #books #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub