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Showing posts with label Kids News. Show all posts

Aug 21, 2024

Breaking News for Kids USA, 21st August 2024. A Toddle Poddle™ Bulletin at Tale Teller Club.

Breaking News for Kids USA, 21st August 2024. A Toddle Poddle™ Bulletin at Tale Teller Club.

Barack and Michelle Obama wowed everyone at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night with powerful speeches that strongly criticized Donald Trump and encouraged Americans to stand against the Republican nominee.

Here’s what happened on the second night of the convention:

“Kids with Unusual Names”: Twenty years after Barack Obama first became famous with his 2004 DNC speech, he delivered another memorable one. “This convention has always been pretty good to kids with unusual names who believe in a country where anything is possible,” Obama said. The 44th president made several nods to his own campaigns, including the famous “Yes we can” chant, which now returned as “Yes she can” in support of the new candidate.

“Hope is Back”: Michelle Obama, who is beloved by many Democrats, received one of the loudest and longest applause as she stepped onto the stage in her hometown. “Hope is making a comeback,” she said, talking about Kamala Harris’ candidacy, and reminding everyone of her husband’s 2008 presidential run. “My girl Kamala Harris is more than ready for this moment,” she said. “She is one of the most qualified people ever to run for president, and she is one of the most dignified.”

This was a Tale Teller Club News Bulletin.

Aug 17, 2024

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