Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2024

Furry Peach, a fruity poem, by the Marchioness of Dorchester at Tale Teller Club

Furry Peach by the Marchioness of Dorchester at Tale Teller Club

'Would Madam, 
pray allow her right honourable gentleman,
a stroke of her furry peach?'
I was taken aback, 
as a lady and a writer of simple poems, 
that word had spread about such furriness 
in my fruit bowl.
But my heart skipped a beat nonetheless
as the thoughts of furriness and fingers 
contrived to make the Marchioness quite gasp
for air.
I flicked my fan and sat more appropriately 
for my gentleman to seek the fruit 
in question.
The peach had fallen from the tree of virtue long ago and was 
dripping juice already.
'My,' said the honourable gentleman,
'such fruity aromas and moisture abound from my Lady's Peach.'
'Yes,' my good Sir said I,
'It is best eaten quickly 
before the ravages of time take their forever hold.'

@2023 Marchioness of Dorchester Sarnia de la mare

Listen to "Sarnia de la Mare FRSA" on Spreaker.