Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writers. Show all posts

Apr 8, 2024

New Podcasts with Free Lyrics Musicians and Writers Can Use for Any Purpose #free #lyrics

Elegy In A Churchyard 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best Poems Songs Lyrics 🪶 #spokenword The home of awesome lyrics you can use #taletellerlyrics
8 Apr, 2024 - 09:52

Episode 1069 - The iServalan™ Show The Business of Music Finding Great Free Use Lyrics Earning Money with Brand in the Music Industry
8 Apr, 2024 - 14:53

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To Anthea 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best Poems Songs Lyrics 🪶 #spokenword The home of great lyrics #taletellerlyrics
8 Apr, 2024 - 01:37

Song From the Tempest 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best Poems Songs Lyrics 🪶 #spokenword the home of great lyrics #taletellerlyrics
8 Apr, 2024 - 00:51

Ode to a Nightingale 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems Songs Lyrics 🪶 #spokenword #taletellerlyrics The home of Spoken Words
8 Apr, 2024 - 05:39

Land O'the Leal 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best Scottish Poems Songs Lyrics 🪶 #spokenword
breathtaking song lyrics....check them out om YouTube #taletellerlyrics
8 Apr, 2024 - 02:03

For Many a Glorious Morning 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword The home of lyrics #taletellerlyrics
8 Apr, 2024 - 01:23

Shall I Compare Thee 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword the home of words and music #taletellerspokenwords
8 Apr, 2024 - 01:25

That Time of Year 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword The home of spoeken words #taletellerwords
8 Apr, 2024 - 01:29

I am Margaritae Sorori 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword the home of spoken words #taletellerspokenword
8 Apr, 2024 - 01:38

A Wish 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword
The home of spoken words
07 Apr, 2024 - 01:13

Sonnet 30 by Shakespeare 💋 Talktone 🎤 Free Ringtones Samples Best English Poems🪶 #spokenword

Jan 12, 2024

Unleashing the Muse: A Guide to Generating Ideas and Inspiration for Your Next Bestseller


 Unleashing the Muse: A Guide to Generating Ideas and Inspiration for Your Next Bestseller


Embarking on the journey to create your next bestseller is an exciting and daunting endeavor. The blank page awaits, full of potential and the promise of an unforgettable story. However, every writer faces the challenge of finding that initial spark of inspiration. In this blog post, we'll explore strategies to unlock your creativity and cultivate the ideas that could lead to your literary masterpiece.

  1. Observation and Everyday Experiences: The world around you is a treasure trove of inspiration. Pay attention to the details of daily life—observe people, places, and events. Mundane activities or ordinary occurrences can spark unique ideas when viewed through a creative lens. Keep a journal to jot down interesting observations that may serve as the foundation for your next story.

  2. Read Voraciously: Reading is not just a pleasure for writers; it's an essential tool for inspiration. Immerse yourself in a variety of genres and styles. Analyze what captivates you in different works and consider how those elements can be incorporated or reinvented in your own storytelling.

  3. Explore Different Mediums: Inspiration can be found beyond the written word. Watch movies, listen to music, visit art galleries, or attend performances. Different mediums offer unique perspectives and emotions that can trigger creative ideas. The fusion of ideas from various sources often results in innovative and compelling storytelling.

  4. Mindful Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or yoga. These activities can help clear your mind, reduce stress, and create space for creative thoughts to flow. A relaxed and focused mind is more receptive to inspiration.

  5. Dream Journaling: Our dreams are a rich source of symbolism and imagination. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record any vivid or recurring dreams. These dreamscapes may contain hidden gems that can be transformed into captivating narratives.

  6. Ask "What If" Questions: Challenge your imagination by asking "What if" questions. What if the laws of physics were different? What if historical events had unfolded differently? These speculative scenarios can lead to unique and intriguing plot twists.

  7. Conversation and Dialogue: Engage in conversations with people from different walks of life. Listen to their stories, perspectives, and experiences. Authentic dialogue and relatable characters often stem from understanding the diverse voices that populate our world.

  8. Creative Exercises: Participate in writing prompts, creative exercises, or brainstorming sessions. Set aside time for free-writing, allowing your mind to explore uncharted territories. These exercises can help you discover unexpected connections and ideas.

  9. Travel and Exploration: Traveling to new places exposes you to different cultures, landscapes, and histories. The richness of unfamiliar environments can stimulate your creativity and provide a fresh backdrop for your storytelling.


The journey to creating your next bestseller begins with the willingness to explore, observe, and embrace the world around you. By cultivating a mindset of curiosity and incorporating diverse experiences into your life, you can unlock the doors to inspiration. Remember, the most extraordinary stories often emerge from the ordinary moments we choose to illuminate with our creative vision. Happy writing!

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21

Jan 3, 2024

How to Self Publish with Stats and Links for Authors

 In an age where the digital realm offers unprecedented opportunities for aspiring authors, self-publishing has become a gateway to literary independence. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a novice penning your first draft, this guide will explore various methods of self-publishing, backed by statistics and valuable links to help you navigate the dynamic landscape of the publishing world.

Section 1: Traditional Self-Publishing Platforms

1.1 Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)


  • According to Amazon, KDP has over 6 million eBooks available in the Kindle Store.
  • Authors on KDP published over 3.4 billion books in 2021.

Link: Amazon KDP

1.2 Barnes & Noble Press


  • Barnes & Noble Press boasts a catalog of over 4 million eBooks.
  • The platform has seen a steady increase in self-published titles over the past decade.

Link: Barnes & Noble Press

Section 2: eBook Distribution Platforms

2.1 Smashwords


  • Over 500,000 authors have published on Smashwords.
  • The platform distributes to major retailers, including Apple Books and Barnes & Noble.

Link: Smashwords

2.2 Draft2Digital


  • Draft2Digital has facilitated the publication of over 250,000 eBooks.
  • The platform offers a user-friendly interface for formatting and distribution.

Link: Draft2Digital

Section 3: Print-on-Demand (POD) Services

3.1 Amazon Kindle Print (formerly CreateSpace)


  • Kindle Print has produced millions of print books since its inception.
  • The service seamlessly integrates with Kindle eBook publishing on KDP.

Link: Amazon Kindle Print

3.2 IngramSpark


  • IngramSpark distributes to over 40,000 retailers and libraries globally.
  • Thousands of authors and publishers use IngramSpark for print-on-demand.

Link: IngramSpark

Section 4: Audiobook Creation and Distribution

4.1 ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange)


  • ACX has produced over 300,000 audiobooks.
  • The platform has a vast pool of narrators and producers for audiobook creation.

Link: ACX

Section 5: Crowdfunding for Self-Publishing

5.1 Kickstarter


  • Kickstarter has funded over 35,000 publishing projects.
  • Many successful self-published authors have used Kickstarter to fund book projects.

Link: Kickstarter Publishing


In the dynamic landscape of self-publishing, exploring diverse methods and platforms empowers authors to reach broader audiences. From eBooks to print and audiobooks, each avenue offers unique advantages. As you embark on your self-publishing journey, consider the statistics and links provided to make informed decisions, and remember, the world is waiting for your words to unfold. What tale will you share with the world?

Dec 20, 2023

Books by the Tale Teller Club Publishing Network, hand picked classics and podcast journals by iServalan

#iservalan #taletellerclubread
Episode 135 - Tale Teller Club Show The Car Crash Suicides by Sarnia de la Mare FRSA #poetry
20 Dec, 2023 - 01:12

Episode 134 - Tale Teller Club Show Christmas in England Cat Poop Bombing Arty Farty Chatting Poetry Prose by Sarnia de la Mare

20 Dec, 2023 - 14:56

"The Awakening" by Kate Chopin: CH 2 A Timeless Masterpiece in the Canon of Female Literature for the best classic adult book collections
20 Dec, 2023 - 53:00

"The Awakening" by Kate Chopin: CH 1 A Timeless Masterpiece in the Canon of Female Literature
All episodes at I am very excited to be serialising this famous book today at the Tale Teller Club Publishing Podcast Station. This week's serialised book over on my podcast is "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin: A Timeless Masterpiece in the Canon of Female Literature Introduction: "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin, published in 1899, stands as a groundbreaking work that has transcended time and remains a significant part of the canon of female literature. Chopin's novel, considered controversial in its time, delves into the complexities of female identity, societal expectations, and the pursuit of self-discovery. As we explore the enduring relevance of "The Awakening" in the realm of female literature, we uncover its profound impact on feminist discourse and its timeless exploration of the female experience. Breaking Societal Norms: At the heart of "The Awakening" is Edna Pontellier, a woman who defies the conventional roles assigned to women in the late 19th century. Edna's journey is one of rebellion against societal norms and expectations, particularly those imposed on women by a patriarchal society. Her awakening is a symbolic act of breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations and discovering her own voice and desires. Female Sexuality and Independence: Chopin fearlessly addresses female sexuality in a time when such discussions were considered taboo. Edna's exploration of her own desires and the awakening of her sensuality challenge the prevailing Victorian ideals of female purity and subservience. Chopin's narrative is a celebration of women claiming agency over their bodies and desires, paving the way for future generations of female writers to explore and articulate their own experiences. The Struggle for Self-Realization: Edna's journey towards self-realization mirrors the broader struggle faced by women in a society that limited their roles to wives and mothers. Her awakening is not just a personal transformation but a symbolic act that mirrors the broader feminist movement seeking equality and autonomy for women. Chopin's portrayal of Edna's internal conflict resonates with women across different eras, as they grapple with societal expectations and strive to define themselves on their terms. Impact on Feminist Discourse: "The Awakening" has played a crucial role in shaping feminist discourse, inspiring generations of writers and thinkers to explore themes of female autonomy, identity, and empowerment. Chopin's unapologetic depiction of a woman's journey to self-discovery has provided a foundation for feminist literature and continues to be a source of inspiration for contemporary feminist writers. Conclusion: "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin remains an enduring masterpiece in the canon of female literature, tackling themes of female identity, sexuality, and autonomy with unprecedented honesty and courage. Its relevance persists, serving as a timeless exploration of the female experience and an inspiration for those who seek to challenge societal expectations and define themselves on their terms. As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of gender dynamics, Chopin's work stands as a beacon, reminding us of the importance of women's voices and the pursuit of self-realization.
15 Dec, 2023 - 36:13

Episode 125 - Tale Teller Club Show Teeth Whitening Vaseline Allergies Hand Poke Tattoos and the New Book Lovers Podcasts with Sarnia
14 Dec, 2023 - 14:42

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 8 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club
13 Dec, 2023 - 21:20

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 7 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club More great audiobooks by Tale Teller Club Publishing every day.
13 Dec, 2023 - 33:24

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 6 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club for more podcasts #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub
11 Dec, 2023 - 29:46

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 5 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club Check out more great books over on my new blog #sarniadelamare
9 Dec, 2023 - 35:14

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 4 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club
8 Dec, 2023 - 30:38

New Horror Collection at the Tale Teller Club with daily short stories and easy reads by Sarnia de la Mare FRSA
08 Dec, 2023 - 05:35

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 3 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club for all our featured books
08 Dec, 2023 - 31:49

Episode 123 - Tale Teller Club Show Dermal Fillers Tattooed Lips Colour Ink Hand Pokes Fake Lives AI Histories Eyebrow Tattoos and Aging
more Spreaker snows at
07 Dec, 2023 - 14:35

Episode 122 - Tale Teller Club Show Twitter is Maybe Linkedin is boring Facebook is dead like AI and a review of Elon Musk’s Blue Tick
07 Dec, 2023 - 14:42

Episode 121 - Tale Teller Club Show The Glamour Model The Sex Worker and the Stripper, Musings from Paradise
Books, books and more books with writer, musician, artist and mature model iServalan™

06 Dec, 2023 - 09:50

Episode 120 - Tale Teller Club Show Getting Inspired Not Being Censored Woke Art Freedom of Speech Angry Protests and Making Facebook Pay

05 Dec, 2023 - 14:38

Episode 119 - Tale Teller Club Show Eradicating Facebook Feeling Like A Grown Up Artist Rights to Free Speech Twitter Erotica

05 Dec, 2023 - 14:49

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 2 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club
05 Dec, 2023 - 51:56

Episode 118 - Tale Teller Club Show Resolution Revolution War Peace Trauma Art Music Categories Of Women and Dominartist Performance

05 Dec, 2023 - 14:50

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch ch 1 Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club
Check our Spreaker app on
Our audiobook club is awesome!
04 Dec, 2023 - 49:05

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Adult Literature Audiobooks at the Tale Teller Club featured book

Venus in Furs by #

This is a recording of Venus in Furs, by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch by volunteers. The framing story concerns a man who dreams of speaking to Venus about love while she wears furs. The unnamed narrator tells his dreams to a friend, Severin, who tells him how to break him of his fascination with cruel women by reading a manuscript, Memoirs of a Supersensual Man.

This manuscript tells of a man, Severin von Kusiemski, so infatuated with a woman, Wanda von Dunajew, that he requests to be treated as her slave, and encourages her to treat him in progressively more degrading ways. At first Wanda does not understand or relate to the request, but after humouring Severin a bit she finds the advantages of the method to be interesting and enthusiastically embraces the idea; though at the same time, she disdains Severin for allowing her to do so. (Summary from Wikipedia) Librivox project page: For more information, or to volunteer, please visit
04 Dec, 2023 - 09:36

Episode 108 - Tale Teller Club Show DIY Chandelier Wooden Wine Boxes Shoreditch Loft Living London Style Recycling Tips for Zen Lives

04 Dec, 2023 - 14:32

The Box Tunnel by Charles Reed from Love Stories Volume 2 Tale Teller Book Club

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 20:42

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 16 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 19:47

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 15 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 28:48

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 14 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 13:30

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 13 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 25:24

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 12 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 33:11

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 11 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...

#iservalan #taletellerclub #bookclub
02 Dec, 2023 - 15:41

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Chapter 10 Study Notes and Texts read in English for Tale...
02 Dec, 2023 - 15:37

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