Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Apr 10, 2024

Want to be a Professional Writer! How, where, what and when of publishing your masterpiece #authors

Publishing your own book involves several steps, whether you’re aiming for a traditional print book or an audiobook. Let’s focus on both options:

kids book cover illustration dog child painting drawing art

Publishing a Print Book:

  1. Write and Edit Your Book:

    • Start by writing your book manuscript. Edit it thoroughly for grammar, clarity, and consistency.
    • Consider hiring a professional editor to review your work.
  2. Design a Book Cover:

    • Create an eye-catching book cover that reflects the genre and theme of your book.
    • You can hire a designer or use online tools to create your cover.
  3. Choose a Publishing Route:

    • Traditional Publishing:
      • Submit your manuscript to literary agents or publishers.
      • If accepted, they handle editing, cover design, printing, and distribution.
    • Self-Publishing:
      • Use platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or IngramSpark.
      • Upload your book, set the price, and choose distribution channels.
  4. Format Your Book:

    • Format your manuscript for print using software like Microsoft Word or hire a professional formatter.
    • Ensure proper margins, fonts, and chapter headings.
  5. Print and Distribute:

    • Once your book is formatted, order a proof copy to review.
    • If satisfied, publish it on platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or local bookstores.
  6. Market Your Book:

    • Promote your book through social media, author websites, book signings, and local events.
    • Consider running ads or reaching out to book bloggers for reviews.

Recording an Audiobook:

  1. Choose Your Book:

    • Select the book you want to turn into an audiobook. Ensure it’s properly edited and formatted for audio.
  2. Narration Decision:

    • Decide whether you’ll narrate the book yourself or hire a professional narrator.
    • Consider the tone, pacing, and style of narration that best suits the book.
  3. Pre-Production:

    • Create an audiobook script based on your book.
    • Prepare your voice for recording.
    • Set up your home studio and treat the environment for optimal sound quality.
    • Position your microphone correctly.
  4. Production:

    • Record your audio files. This is the actual narration phase.
    • Ensure high-quality recording and minimize background noise.
  5. Post-Production:

    • Edit your audio files to remove mistakes, pauses, and any unwanted sounds.
    • Proofread the narration for accuracy.
    • Master the audio to achieve consistent volume levels.
  6. Upload to Audible/ACX:

    • Audible and ACX are both Amazon companies.
    • Upload your finished audiobook to ACX, which will make it available on Audible for listeners.

Remember, creating your own book allows fans to connect with you personally, and it’s a great way to reach a wider audience. Whether in print or audio, happy publishing! πŸ“šπŸŽ™️

For more detailed guidance on recording audiobooks, check out this complete guide on recording audiobooks for Audible1.

Submitting an audiobook to Audible involves several steps. Let’s break it down:

  1. Choose Your Book:

    • Select the book you want to turn into an audiobook. Ensure it’s properly edited and formatted for audio.
  2. Narration Decision:

    • Decide whether you’ll narrate the book yourself or hire a professional narrator.
    • Determine the tone, pacing, and style of narration that best suits the book.
  3. Pre-Production:

    • Create an audiobook script based on your book.
    • Prepare your voice for recording.
    • Set up your home studio and treat the environment for optimal sound quality.
    • Position your microphone correctly.
    • If you’re new to audiobook narration, plan on a couple of weeks or more for this phase.
  4. Production:

    • Record your audio files. This is the actual narration phase.
    • Ensure high-quality recording and minimize background noise.
  5. Post-Production:

    • Edit your audio files to remove mistakes, pauses, and any unwanted sounds.
    • Proofread the narration for accuracy.
    • Master the audio to achieve consistent volume levels.
  6. Upload to Audible/ACX:

    • Audible and ACX are both Amazon companies.
    • Upload your finished audiobook to ACX, which will make it available on Audible for listeners.

Remember, creating your own audiobook allows fans to connect with you personally, and it’s a great way to reach a wider audience. Happy recording! πŸŽ™️πŸ“š

For more detailed guidance, you can refer to this complete guide on recording audiobooks for Audible1.

Marketing your audiobook effectively is crucial for reaching your audience and boosting sales. Here are 19 tipsto help you promote your audiobook:

  1. Create a Compelling Landing Page:

    • Design a dedicated landing page on your website specifically for your audiobook.
    • Include details about the book, author, narrator, and where listeners can purchase it.
    • Link to all available editions (ebook, print, and audiobook).
  2. Gather Reviews and Testimonials:

    • Encourage listeners to leave reviews on platforms like Audible and Goodreads.
    • Share positive reviews on your website and social media.
  3. Utilize Email Marketing:

    • Build an email list of interested readers.
    • Send out announcements, special offers, and updates about your audiobook.
  4. Engage on Social Media:

    • Share images, quotes, and behind-the-scenes content related to your audiobook.
    • Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with your audience.
  5. Collaborate with Book Bloggers and Reviewers:

    • Reach out to book bloggers and influencers in your genre.
    • Offer them a free copy of your audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
  6. Utilize Audiograms:

    • Create short audio clips (audiograms) from exciting moments in your audiobook.
    • Share them on social media to pique interest.
  7. Run Author Events and Book Signings:

    • Host virtual or in-person events where you discuss your audiobook.
    • Engage with fans and answer their questions.
  8. Offer Free Samples or Short Stories:

    • Provide a sample chapter or a short story related to your audiobook.
    • Use it as a lead magnet to attract potential listeners.
  9. Leverage Paid Advertising:

    • Consider running targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Amazon.
    • Set a budget and monitor performance closely.
  10. Include Audio in Your Email Autoresponder Sequence:

    • Set up an automated email sequence for new subscribers.
    • Include information about your audiobook and where to find it.

Remember, consistency and creativity in your marketing approach will pay off as more listeners discover and enjoy your audiobook! πŸŽ§πŸ“š

For more detailed strategies, check out this comprehensive guide on marketing audiobooks1.

Promoting your audiobook on social media is essential for reaching your audience and boosting sales. Here are some effective strategies to get the word out:

  1. Create a Landing Page for Your Audiobook:

    • Build a dedicated web page for your audiobook on your author website.
    • Include links to where listeners can buy your audiobook, ebook, and print versions.
    • Integrate your book page with your personal brand.
  2. Link to Your Audiobook Everywhere You Can:

    • Add links to your book page in:
      • Email signatures
      • Social media bios (including LinkedIn)
      • Descriptions of social media groups you manage
      • Blog posts or podcast episodes
      • Videos you create for social media or other platforms
  3. Use QR Codes:

    • Generate QR codes that link directly to your audiobook page.
    • Place these codes on promotional materials or share them online.
  4. Announce Preorder Availability:

    • Let your audience know when your audiobook is available for preorder.
    • Build anticipation by sharing release dates and cover reveals.
  5. Announce the Audiobook Launch:

    • Create buzz around your launch day.
    • Share exciting updates, behind-the-scenes content, and snippets from the audiobook.
  6. Include Audio Samples in Email Marketing:

    • Send out newsletters with audio snippets or exclusive content.
    • Encourage subscribers to explore your audiobook.
  7. Set Up an Audible Author Page:

    • Create an author profile on Audible.
    • Share your background, other works, and connect with listeners.
  8. Use Audiograms and Post Snippets on Social Media:

    • Convert interesting moments from your audiobook into short audio clips (audiograms).
    • Share these on platforms like YouTube, Soundcloud, and social media.
  9. Collaborate with Influencers and Bloggers:

    • Partner with book bloggers, influencers, and reviewers.
    • Offer them free copies of your audiobook in exchange for honest reviews.
  10. Engage with Your Audience:

    • Respond to comments, questions, and feedback promptly.
    • Host live Q&A sessions or virtual events related to your audiobook.

Remember, consistency and creativity in your social media approach will help you connect with listeners and drive audiobook sales! πŸŽ§πŸ“š

For more detailed strategies, check out this comprehensive guide on promoting audiobooks1.

When it comes to self-publishing, choosing the right keywords is essential for discoverability. Here are some keyword ideas to consider:

  1. Genre Keywords:

    • Think about deep-niche genres related to your book. For example:
      • Science Fiction Space Opera
      • Carpentry DIY Guide for Beginners
      • Regency Romance Comedy of Manners
  2. Setting Keywords:

    • Consider keywords related to the book’s setting. For instance:
      • African Safari Adventure
      • Tuscan Cookbook
      • French New Wave Cinema
  3. Character Keywords:

    • Use character types or roles as keywords:
      • Single Dad
      • Veteran
      • Strong Female Lead
  4. Plot Theme Keywords:

    • Highlight plot themes that resonate with your book:
      • Coming of Age
      • Forgiveness
      • Dystopian
      • Feel-Good

Remember to choose keywords that accurately represent your book and align with what potential readers might search for. These keywords will help your book show up in relevant searches on platforms like Amazon. πŸ“šπŸ”

For more detailed guidance, you can explore additional resources on keyword selection for self-publishing1234.

Optimizing your book’s metadata is crucial for better discoverability. Let’s dive into the essential steps:

  1. Keywords:

  2. Description:

    • Craft a captivating book description. This is your book’s elevator pitch. Highlight unique selling points and leave readers craving more. Make it irresistible!
  3. Categories:

    • Choose relevant categories that align with your book’s genre and theme. These virtual shelves help readers discover your book among similar works.
  4. Cover Image:

    • Your cover is the visual representation that draws readers in. Optimize it for both desktop and mobile devices. Ensure it’s high-quality, eye-catching, and relevant to your book’s content.
  5. BISAC Codes:

    • These industry-standard codes categorize your book’s genre. Select codes that accurately reflect your book’s content, making it easier for Amazon to suggest it to interested readers.
  6. Author Bio:

    • Introduce yourself as the mastermind behind the book. Share your credentials, writing journey, and any other details that will make readers want to connect with you.
  7. Author Central:

    • Manage your books, connect with readers, and track your KDP performance through Author Central.

Remember, by optimizing your book’s metadata, you build a bridge between your book and your audience. Approach it strategically, experiment, and understand Amazon’s algorithms to increase visibility and attract readers345. Happy publishing! πŸ“š✨

Mar 13, 2024

We Love Science Fiction on our Free Audiobook Podcasts #scifi #sarniadelamare #reading #writing

πŸš€ Three SF Short Stories ch 5 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub πŸš€ Three SF Short Stories ch 5 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub is highly recommended by Sarnia...let's find out more! “Three SF Short Stories” by Paul W. Fairman holds a special place in the pantheon of science fiction literature. While it may not be as widely celebrated as some other iconic works, its impact on the genre is significant. Let’s explore its influence: - Pioneering Exploration: - Fairman’s collection represents an era when science fiction was still finding its voice. - By experimenting with themes, characters, and speculative concepts, Fairman contributed to the evolution of the genre. - Authors who followed him drew inspiration from his innovative storytelling. - Themes and Tropes: - “Three SF Short Stories” delves into classic sci-fi themes: alien encounters, cosmic mysteries, and futuristic technology. - These themes resonate across generations of science fiction authors. - Fairman’s exploration of these tropes laid the groundwork for subsequent writers. - Short Form Impact: - Short stories allow authors to distill ideas into concise narratives. - Fairman’s brevity and ability to evoke wonder in a limited space influenced countless writers. - Aspiring authors learned from his economy of words and impactful storytelling. - Legacy and Inspiration: - While not a household name, Fairman’s work quietly inspired those who followed. - Authors who read his stories discovered new possibilities within the genre. - His influence echoes through the works of contemporary sci-fi luminaries. In summary, “Three SF Short Stories” may not have achieved blockbuster status, but its quiet brilliance left an indelible mark. It encouraged authors to explore the cosmos, question reality, and ignite readers’ imaginations. As we celebrate the giants of science fiction, let’s also acknowledge the unsung heroes like Paul W. Fairman who shaped the genre’s trajectory.
13 Mar, 2024 - 38:24

πŸš€ Three SF Short Stories ch 4 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub for great sci-fi books! Three SF Short Stories ch 4 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub “Three SF Short Stories” by Paul W. Fairman is a captivating collection of science fiction tales that will transport you to otherworldly realms. Let’s explore the intriguing stories within this book: - “Deadly City”: - The protagonist awakens in darkness, disoriented and in pain. - He discovers a lump on his head, placed there for safety. - - “Secrets of the Martians”: - Set in a world where few colonists have encountered Martians. - Despite their rarity, the Martians become a source of concern. - - “The Cosmic Junkman”: - While not specifically mentioned in Chapter 4, this story is part of the collection. - It introduces readers to a cosmic scavenger who navigates the vastness of space. - Paul W. Fairman masterfully weaves suspense, mystery, and wonder throughout these short stories. Whether you’re a seasoned sci-fi enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, this collection promises an exhilarating journey into the unknown.For more sci-fi adventures, visit the Tale Teller Club website and explore their great selection of books! πŸš€πŸ“š Learn more
13 Mar, 2024 - 36:50

Drugged Up And Hurting Poisoned by Additives and Fake Protein Thank Fook For My Electric Cello
12 Mar, 2024 - 13:34

AI is your slave so work that bitch. What will we do in a world without work? Be BOSS #sarnia #sarniadelamare
11 Mar, 2024 - 14:53

Anatomy Drawing School London, Soho House Dates, Printer Dramas
7 Mar, 2024 - 14:56

Three SF Short Stories ch 3 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub
Join us at for daily reads.
7 Mar, 2024 - 37:07

Three SF Short Stories ch 2 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Funday #taletellerclub
A scifi week at HQ.
4 Mar, 2024 - 34:08

Three SF Short Stories ch 1 by Paul W. Fairman by Paul W. Fairman Scifi Sunday #taletellerclub
My chosen book today is read by Kirks Voice...Robots Forever!!!! More robots and futurism on my site of course Paul W. Fairman, a versatile writer and editor, contributed to various genres under his own name and pseudonyms. Fairman’s literary journey extended beyond detective fiction, encompassing science fiction as well.Here are three intriguing science fiction short stories by Paul W. Fairman: - Deadly City: The protagonist awakens in darkness, pain throbbing in his head. His touch reveals a lump—a safety precaution, perhaps. The story unfolds against the backdrop of an alien invasion in Chicago, where a handful of survivors grapple with a deserted city and impending annihilation. - Secrets of the Martians: Set in a colony where few have encountered Martians, this tale explores unexpected trouble. Spencer’s death and Rex Tate’s entrapment hint at Martian involvement. What secrets lie hidden?. - Traitor’s Choice: Kendall faces a harrowing decision: defy the aliens and risk Clare’s gruesome fate, or comply and doom an entire planet. These stories, rich in suspense and imagination, offer glimpses into otherworldly realms and the choices that shape them. If you’re intrigued, you can explore the full audiobook recording of “Three SF Short Stories by Paul W. Fairman’s legacy continues to captivate readers and listeners alike.
3 Mar, 2024 - 34:38

Free Ringtone Song for Joe Biden by Quillmatic Bardinator
2 Mar, 2024 - 08:46

Funny Shakespeare Poem Drunken Warning by Quillmatic Bardinator #funnypoems Upon a merry eve I quaffed my fill, The tavern’s ale, a potent brew divine. My senses danced, my reason took a spill, And mirthful laughter echoed through the brine. In drunken haze, I stumbled forth, unclad, My breeches lost to Bacchus’ wild embrace. The moon a witness to my folly mad, I stood, a wretched soul in bare disgrace. The stars themselves did mock my sorry plight, As I half-naked weaved 'twixt cobblestones. My dignity, a fleeting, ghostly light Gave way to mirthful laugh and groan. So here’s a caution friends to heed with care: When drink flows freely, guard your pants and be aware! #taletellerclub #comedy #fun #quillmatic #bardinator
1 Mar, 2024 - 00:44

Strata 5, Immersion V1, Renyke Goes to The Bank (Memories and Experiences)

Strata 5, Immersion V1, Renyke Goes to The Bank (Memories and Experiences)Welcome to Immersion, you have reached Strata 5

To function correctly, humans depend almost entirely upon memories. Memory is an integral part of human cognition allowing individuals to recall and draw upon past events to frame their understanding of the present. Memory also gives individuals a paradigm through which they make sense of the present and the future whilst simultaneously offering the security of a past where experiences and lessons were learned.A machine that remembers too little will not be able to do anything that requires connecting past experiences to new ones. Many droids are prone to catastrophic forgetting or over learning both of which can cause gross malfunction. **************Renyke attempted a face-recog on the woman but the makeup or tattoo caused a data malfunction. Flex, the one with probable knowledge about trusting her, had disappeared amongst the crowd.

After a lingering interlude for summing up dangers but with no logical conclusion, Renyke followed his guide, with some trepidation.There were all kinds of traders in an open market trading live animals, electronic devices, even people selling workers by the hour for anything from labouring to singing and sexual services.

They arrived at a unit with barricades and metal shutters. It was constructed from an old underground train carriage, probably from the twenty-first century.

'Here we go,' the woman said.'That's 50 for getting you here Mr.'

'I have to get some money first,' said Renyke
'Plus, I don't know how to get the money. What do I need, I have no identification or paperwork.'

'You don't need ID here Mr. This is the zone, the got no ID. No ID, no problem.'

'Well. how do I get money?' asked Renyke, now confused about accessing anything that may be stored in his POS, and still dubious about sharing his true identity.'

The woman laughed.
'Ya gotta put sometin' up my friend.

'Like my coat?' asked Renyke.
'Na, not in the bank! Your software, course, or hardware, or files, whatever.....just plug in, give some data, get some g-bits innit. They take apps, software, POS, they'll even take your whole damned brain.....Day to Day Data..... is their wayta.....
.....hahahahaha.' The woman cackled.Renyke pondered the likelihood of a successful transaction in the bank and nodded.The woman bashed on the metal door and a hatch opened.Dark peering eyes checked Renyke and his companion up and down.'Not the dog', said a loud booming voice after tentatively opening a heavily armoured door.

Inside was well guarded by large-framed characters who looked menacing and dangerous. They were standard issue security droids, the like of older versions that had been discontinued and recalled, disassembled and disposed of two or three generations ago. Security in the Midcasts was controlled by forcefields and lasers with little need for big ugly droids.

Renyke was ushered to a small cubical with an array of plugs and wires. Everything looked antiquated, from the early tech years.
There was a chair and Renyke was motioned to sit down.
He hesitated.

'How does it work?' He asked a large droid.

The droid seemed stupefied, slow, sluggish, as if he had been drained of power despite his size. He spoke slowly and slightly slurred with intermittent beeping noises and error warnings.

'Here is the current exchange rate,' said the droid, pointing to a monitor with flashing figures. 'As soon as you are plugged we see what you got and make an offer. Then we transfer. You get a voucher here.'....he pointed to a small printing machine, 'then take it over there and get G-bits or'

There were hundreds of wires and plugs seemingly for extracting and monitoring every device from the last couple of centuries. Anything from antique video machines to digital clocks seemed to have a lead on offer.

Renyke spotted the mark 3 Droid Cable and shuddered.

He checked his applications. Then all the add-ons. He checked for any temp files he could get rid of. Then he checked the POS and asked if there was a clean-up they could run.

System is currently set to factory install. Removing program files or data could be detrimental to smooth function....this action is not supported.....
more searching......then finally

one file found
unknown origin
possible memory file from last OS
surplus to current operational needs......unable to access file contents
Renyke weighs up the odds.
To be continued
© 2023 Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA
29 Feb, 2024 - 05:23

My Brain by Vapor Punk Free Speaktone Ringtones by Tale Teller Club Band
Fun with AI and Logic Pro plugins
28 Feb, 2024 - 01:45

My Brain 🧠 Free Spoken Word 🎀 Ringtone by Flex from Tale Teller Club for loads of cool music
27 Feb, 2024 - 01:30

Sonnet for Swifties by Qiullmatic Bardinator live reading audiobook AI poetry at the Tale Teller Club
27 Feb, 2024 - 00:40

Donald Trump Sonnet by the Quillmatic Bardinator Live AI Reading at Tale Teller Club for more great poetry and prose by author Sarnia de la Mare FRSA
26 Feb, 2024 - 00:52

Grindr Bumble and Tinder Lovers A sonnet by the Quillmatic Bardinator for more homotech poetry and prose
25 Feb, 2024 - 00:49

Unexpected Item in Bagging Area by Quillmatic Bardinator Episode 780 - The iServalan™ Show
The first of our AI poet #quillmaticbardinator Creative AI
24 Feb, 2024 - 00:44

Mar 2, 2024

iServalan (Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA) writer, illustrator and composer of the Book of Immersion Weekly Amazon Series

Sarnia is the creator of the Amazon Books Series IMMERSION.

Here are some links for you guys to access the ebook versions, free on Kindle Plus.

black and white photograph of iServalan (AKA Sarnia de la MarΓ©) from the band Tale Teller Club in their recording studio standing with electric cello and piano

Sarnia de la MarΓ© is artist, writer, and illustrator known for her immersive works. Let’s delve into her artistic journey:

  1. Artistic Background:

    • Sarnia hails from a lineage of artists and poets, which has deeply influenced her creative path.
    • Her journey into the art and literary world began at an early age, steeped in a rich heritage of creativity. As a child she regularly attended poetry meetings and theatrical performances that were so evocative of the 1960s and 1970s.
    • She was sent away to boarding school at eleven but this was no ordinary school. Frensham Heights in Surrey England has a long history in the creative arts.
  2. Book of Immersion Series:

    • Sarnia is both the writer and illustrator of the Book of Immersion series.
    • This series weaves together imagination, storytelling, and visual elements, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the converging storylines. The Book of Immersion also features music by the Tale Teller Club Band.
  3. Marchioness of Dorchester Poetry Collection:

    • As the Marchioness of Dorchester, Sarnia has explored the realm of poetry. A tongue in cheek performance art character locked into the 1600s.
    • Her collection contains evocative verses that touch upon themes of love, longing, and the human experience, often featuring fruit and other symbolism.
  4. Podcast and Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts:

Sarnia de la MarΓ©’s artistic endeavors blend words, images, and emotions that resonate with audiences. 🎨✨

Some examples of the work Sarnia is currently involved with.

  1. Art by Sarnia de la MarΓ©:

    • You can immerse yourself in Sarnia’s figurative artworks and portraits by visiting her blog, Art by Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA.
    • Her unique blend of oil paints and gold leaf brings subjects to life, capturing subtle nuances of human expression and revealing the soul beneath the surface1.
    • Explore her techniques, themes, and mesmerizing allure on her blog: Art by Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA
  2. “The Afterlife”:

  3. Anti-War Poetry and Live Readings

Check out these useful links with Sarnia'd other work.

Songs written by Sarnia de la Mare

Creative TV hosted and created by Sarnia de la Mare

Band blog for Tale Teller Club for compositions by Sarnia de la MarΓ©

Poetry by Sarnia de la Mare

Podcasts, poetry and stories by Sarnia de la Mare

Podcasts with a futuristic vibe with poetry readings and music by AI and the Homotech 23s

my hashtags

#iservalan #sdelamare #sarniadelamare #sarnia-d #taletellerclub #bookofimmersion #strata #stratabooks #TTC 

Feb 3, 2024

The Automobile Girls at Newport by Laura Crane, featured book at the Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts

Exploring Gilded Age Glamour: "The Automobile Girls at Newport" by Laura Crane


In the early 20th century, as the world underwent rapid industrialization and societal shifts, literature often reflected the changing dynamics of culture and lifestyles. Laura Crane's "The Automobile Girls at Newport" provides a fascinating glimpse into the Gilded Age, combining elements of adventure, romance, and societal commentary. Published in 1910, this novel follows the lives of spirited young women navigating the opulent world of Newport, Rhode Island, and sheds light on the evolving roles of women in society.

Setting the Scene:

"The Automobile Girls at Newport" is a delightful escapade that unfolds against the backdrop of Newport's high society during the Gilded Age. The novel captures the essence of an era characterized by extravagant wealth, luxurious estates, and a burgeoning fascination with the latest technological marvels, particularly the advent of the automobile.

Plot Overview:

The narrative revolves around the adventures of our protagonists, the "Automobile Girls," as they explore Newport in their newfound fascination - the automobile. The story not only encapsulates their love for the thrill of driving but also intertwines their lives with the intricate social tapestry of Newport's elite circles. As the young women navigate the challenges of societal expectations and forge romantic connections, the novel provides a nuanced exploration of the changing roles and aspirations of women in the early 20th century.

Character Dynamics:

Crane's characters are richly developed, offering readers a diverse cast that defies traditional gender norms of the time. The "Automobile Girls" are depicted as independent, forward-thinking, and adventurous, challenging the constraints imposed on women in their pursuit of personal and romantic fulfillment. The novel serves as a testament to the resilience and tenacity of young women seeking to break free from societal expectations.

Exploring Societal Shifts:

"The Automobile Girls at Newport" doesn't merely entertain; it serves as a lens through which readers can observe the cultural and societal shifts occurring during the Gilded Age. The emergence of the automobile as a symbol of modernity, the changing dynamics of courtship, and the evolving roles of women all contribute to a narrative that reflects the zeitgeist of the time.

Legacy and Contemporary Relevance:

While "The Automobile Girls at Newport" is firmly rooted in its historical context, its themes of independence, social exploration, and the pursuit of personal happiness remain relevant. Crane's work contributes to the broader discussion of women's roles in society, making it a compelling read for modern audiences interested in historical fiction with a progressive twist.


Laura Crane's "The Automobile Girls at Newport" transports readers to a bygone era of elegance and societal transformation. Through the lens of the spirited "Automobile Girls," Crane not only provides a captivating tale of adventure and romance but also offers a thought-provoking commentary on the evolving roles of women during the Gilded Age. As we delve into the lives of these pioneering women, we find a narrative that resonates with themes of independence, resilience, and the timeless pursuit of personal fulfillment.

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21

Tanar the Pellicudar by Edgar Rice Burroughs

"Tanar of Pellucidar" is a thrilling adventure novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, originally published in 1929. Set in the imaginative world of Pellucidar, a subterranean realm located within the Earth's crust, the story follows Tanar, a courageous warrior, on a perilous journey filled with danger and intrigue.

The tale begins as Tanar finds himself embroiled in the ongoing conflicts between various prehistoric tribes inhabiting Pellucidar. Caught in the midst of power struggles and tribal warfare, Tanar must navigate a treacherous landscape filled with exotic creatures, rival warriors, and ancient mysteries.

As Tanar endeavors to survive and make sense of the enigmatic world around him, he becomes entangled in a quest that goes beyond personal survival. The narrative weaves together elements of action, romance, and discovery as Tanar encounters strange civilizations, battles ferocious adversaries, and strives to uncover the secrets hidden within the depths of Pellucidar.

Throughout the story, Burroughs masterfully blends vivid world-building with the protagonist's heroic exploits, creating a captivating tale that explores the wonders and dangers of a fantastical subterranean realm. "Tanar of Pellucidar" is a classic adventure novel that showcases Burroughs' storytelling prowess and his ability to transport readers to imaginative and thrilling landscapes.

"Tanar of Pellucidar": A Pioneering Work in Adventure Fantasy and Its Enduring Influence


Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tanar of Pellucidar" stands as a pioneering work in adventure fantasy, contributing significantly to the genre and leaving an indelible mark on contemporary literature. Published in 1929, this novel takes readers on a captivating journey into the subterranean world of Pellucidar, showcasing Burroughs' mastery in crafting imaginative landscapes and heroic narratives.

Genre Innovation:

"Tanar of Pellucidar" falls under the umbrella of adventure fantasy, a genre that fuses elements of action, exploration, and fantastical settings. Burroughs' creation of Pellucidar, a hidden world beneath the Earth's surface, was revolutionary for its time, pushing the boundaries of speculative fiction. The novel introduces readers to a land teeming with prehistoric creatures, diverse civilizations, and uncharted territories, setting the stage for later works that would explore similarly imaginative realms.

Influence on Contemporary Literature:

Burroughs' impact on contemporary literature is evident in the enduring popularity of adventure fantasy. The immersive world-building and action-packed storytelling found in "Tanar of Pellucidar" have influenced subsequent generations of writers, particularly those within the fantasy and science fiction genres. Authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and later, modern writers such as George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling, have drawn inspiration from Burroughs' pioneering efforts in crafting intricate and fantastical worlds.

Heroic Archetypes and Character Development:

One of the enduring aspects of "Tanar of Pellucidar" is the portrayal of its protagonist, Tanar. As a courageous warrior navigating a perilous underground realm, Tanar embodies classic heroic archetypes. His journey, filled with challenges, self-discovery, and the pursuit of noble ideals, laid the groundwork for the development of iconic characters in subsequent fantasy literature. The influence of Tanar's character can be seen in the heroes of many contemporary fantasy epics, demonstrating the lasting impact of Burroughs' storytelling.

Legacy in Film and Popular Culture:

Beyond literature, the influence of "Tanar of Pellucidar" extends into other forms of media. The adventurous spirit and imaginative settings of Pellucidar have inspired filmmakers and creators in the realms of animation, film, and television. Elements of the novel's themes and visuals can be observed in various fantasy and adventure films, contributing to the enduring popularity of the genre in popular culture.


"Tanar of Pellucidar" holds a significant place in the annals of adventure fantasy literature. Edgar Rice Burroughs' groundbreaking work not only captivated readers with its imaginative storytelling and vivid world-building but also left a lasting imprint on subsequent generations of writers and creators. As contemporary literature continues to explore the boundaries of speculative fiction, the legacy of "Tanar of Pellucidar" persists, reminding us of the enduring power of inventive storytelling and the exploration of fantastical worlds.

Jan 19, 2024

Strata 12, Immersion V1, Shabra and the Basement People (Emotions)

pale man under water with fishes

Welcome to Immersion, you have reached Strata 12

Most humans progress through life along a path created by the society and culture they are part of. Existentialism emphasises individual existences, freedom, and choice. Machines are essentialists, focusing on the inherent nature or essence of things and the belief in fundamental, unchanging truths.

Emotions are vital to help humans learn and make decisions. Feelings are experienced constantly from birth to death. A new born baby is emotionally involved with its mother as soon as it understands she is a valuable source for food and comfort and the emotional attachment is immediate.

Emotions, for humans, are an essential part of being consistent, being part of a social group, and staying safe.

Androids have successfully been programmed with 'visceral-like' responses but these are mimicked, not intrinsic. Androids are trained to respond to their owners fears and happiness as they are unable to understand emotions themselves, for themselves. These models are generally trained to respond to human physical alterations such as odours, sweat, pupil changes, vocal idiosyncrasies etc, and to respond as if they are their own. We could call this 'fake empathy'.
Automatic robotic vehicles do not fear the crash, they simply know that a crash is not desirable in terms of their interactive function, and the ongoing success of the job in hand.

'We should get some *infon on any *preds, Shabra said, thinking hard about the best time of night to get to the *edge, which was renowned for tribal and gang flash points

Renyke asked the POS to translate.

It would seem that Shabra is gathering helpful information to aid our journey

Renyke was uncertain what to do. This feeling was becoming all too familiar and quite at odds with his hitherto programmed assuredness.

'You coming or what?' Shabra asks from outside the car, leading the way to a set of stairs that led down into a noisy basement.

The robodog wagged its tail and sat importantly on the roof of the vehicle looking around and growling.

Shabra knocked on a large door and a camera was activated above them. They were being scanned.

The door opened suddenly and a large man with a long beard frisked them before allowing them entry.
Renyke, not used to any sort of frisking in his past life, was sensing increasing anxiety.

The POS was idle.

'Welcome brother,' the guard said to Flex. 'Are you well?'

'Fine, just fine, my friend,' Flex answered, 'We continue unabated to live another day *vilarev.' 

Both men laughed convivially whilst Renyke wondered what had amused them.

They enter a meeting place, some kind of bar. It is thick with smoke, the smell of *nibs, sweat, and the streets. 

A woman approaches chanting poetry with her arms outstretched.
'The sun shines bright when you let in the light, welcome my sister of the night.' There is more convivial laughter.

She embraces Shabra and they exchange warm greetings. Excited to make new acquaintances the woman beckons the group to sit at a table.

'Ah, come, come my friends. I have a perfect place for you to sit and please, be my guests at the bar.

The woman beckons a member of staff 'Let's have liquor.' she says, 'bring my best for my new friends.'

Renyke asks the POS for details about the venue, the location and the owner but it makes little sense.. unavailable..... scrambled information

'How come these places aren't mapped?' Renyke asked Shabra.

'Mr Renyke, you ask too many questions. 'Hiding is surviving.'

'Yes,' interjected Flex, 'and we move, we move often. The key to freedom is movement.
Nothing is permanent. Only your lungs and your heart. Only your breath and when that's not permanent, you're dead and you're ready for the *metamorph.

'And we know not where that will take us for certain.'

Renyke checks the POS which is active again.

.....Urchs believe in various spiritual concepts but nothing is written down. Oral traditions and faith seem to be passed from parents to children.
They believe in the existence of dissatisfied or pained ghost like entities from the future. 
Urchs believe that death is not the end, merely a manifest alteration referred to as the third life. This third life is fiercely protected with love because hate manifested in individuals will be carried to the next life.

They also believe that hate is so powerful that they it can control what the unborn will do in the future.  Hate becomes a circular energy that rotates between past present and future, forging an eternal and devastating cycle of ruin across several dimensions of existence. The dead are responsible for the living, the living are responsible for the future born. To follow this mantra of enlightenment and love is the only certain way to ensure human success.

.....Urchs also believe that taking drugs or mind altering ingested compounds will help them understand what is 'real real' and that the stresses of daily existence mask these realities and render them misunderstood. Urchs believe that getting high enables them a greater understanding of reality and even an ability to meet the entities or ghosts of the future and to realise their path to enlightenment.

'We shouldn't stay here too long, and you shouldn't get high,' said Renyke, looking at Shabra who is drinking the free liquor.

'You are so uptight Mr Renyke.' Shabra winks.

There is a brief conversation between a man and Shabra that Renyke cannot understand.

The POS has lost signal so Renyke turns to Flex.

'What is this dialect?' he asks.

'Ah, that is *zonespeak, with some colour changes for the Urchs. We have our own code see.'

Shabra rises, 'Let's Go! I think there is some trouble around tonight.'


Outside a small urch child sits on the bonnet of the car.

'Can I come too?' the child asks excitedly.

'No man, This is grown-up stuff. Come see me tomorrow, now *fucksyoff.'

The child jumps off the bonnet, hugs Flex, and runs away

Various people try to offer them drugs. Another offers a selection of weapons. 

Finally they are all in the car and they drive to the underpass through a thinning crowd. The child appears again on the bonnet, facing forwards and singing with a fist raised.

'No sweat,' says Flex, 'we will get him off the other side. He does no harm, annoying is all.'

Suddenly there is an almighty bang and the child on the bonnet is shot. Its guts are all over the windscreen, blood drips down the glass and the crowd scarpers.
Everyone on the street is screaming.

The POS engages

.....99% likelihood of robbery, ambush, death alert!

There is a man in front of the car pointing an AK47 at Shabra's head.
Two other men flank the vehicle and bang rhythmically on the windows.

'Bastardos gang aint getting my *vicular.', shouts Shabra.

to be continued

©2024 Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la MarΓ© FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21

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