Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Jan 16, 2024

Cruel Ballet by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA for Tale Teller Club Publishing #poetry


Cruel Ballet

I always remember 

the bad times

The ones where the 



When the stage floor

cracked open

and ate her bleeding legs

like a hungry croc

Then the audience

left her,

with bloody stumps

to find a nowhere place

It was a cruel ballet

©2024 Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 
Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Jan 15, 2024

Seed, poem by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

faces flower drawing by iserrvalan


I walk on effervescent dreams I am a Seed An idea Sometimes a weed (think Andrew Tate) I can grow better with nutrients and patience I’m always here But sometimes I’m latent Or worse, ignored (think women, children and the underclasses) Without help I can die easily or not grow freely because I am Costly (think enlightenment) I am everywhere Here and there in seas in air on land forever Close and near at hand (think creativity) I can be stored don’t get confused just keep me safe for later use when conditions are right plant me then and I will grow with all my might (think keep in a box under the bed) ©2024 Marchioness of Dorchester, Sarnia de la Maré FRSA #poems #poetry #poetrylovers #art #illustrations #saatchi #idea #seed #illustration #writers #writerslift #writesoftwitter #author

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 
Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Standard Dreams, poem by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

Witch with pheasant hat by iServalan

Standard Dreams

In my gothic dreams

I am a dark princess

with a pet bat


obviously a 

a black 


I can cast

hideous spells

on men

(and women)

who wrong me

because it isn’t fine

when they are mean

to me 




as soon as they leave the building


under a bus

no fuss

for I have 

the power

just one look

can make them cower

In my pink dreams

I am an angel

who forgives

feeds the poor

always gives



of love 


I sing

mostly on a cloud



from above

©2024 Marchioness of Dorchester, Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

#poem #poetry #twitterpoet #power #writersoftwitter #writerslift #author

@marchionessofdorchester @toddlepoddle @taletellerclub

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 

Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Jan 14, 2024

She, a poem by the Marchioness of Dorchester, Sarnia de la Maré FRSA


poet Sarnia de la Maré the Tale Teller Club


She sits so proud

So straight of neck,

not bowed

not low but high



on wings

so sleek,

not weak

just there


she belongs

Her face 

so strong

Her arms like


they take the strain

of those who

dare to

say her name

She walks

on air 

the breathe that


only breath

she steals

to make 

her rise

She does not


their lies

She climbs 

on walls

their walls of hate

wont hold her in

she will not fall

She stands



For she is she





©2024 Sarnia de la Maré FRSA 

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 
Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube