Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

May 19, 2024

Strata 5, Immersion V1, The Tiger Queen (Memories)

 Strata 5, Immersion V1, The Tiger Queen (Memories)

Welcome to Immersion, you have reached Strata 5 

To function correctly, humans depend almost entirely upon memories. Memory is an integral part of human cognition. It allows individuals to recall and draw upon past events to frame their understanding of the present. Memory also gives individuals a paradigm through which they make sense of the future. Memories are tried and tested experiences where deep knowledge and understanding are fostered. The future becomes less of an unknown with an arsenal of  information based on what we remember. Memory can also be evolutionary, cultural, and non specific, based on a collective experience of tragedy, persecution or success.

A machine that remembers too little will not be able to do anything that requires connecting past experiences to new ones. Many droids are prone to catastrophic forgetting as well as over-learning, either leading to gross malfunction. Humans are able to pick and choose their memories for a better life. Even false memories have proven to be advantageous for human emotional balance.


Renyke attempted a face-recog on the woman but the makeup or tattoo caused a data malfunction. Flex, the one with probable knowledge about trusting her had disappeared amongst the crowd.

After a lingering interlude for summing up danger, but with no logical conclusion, Renyke followed his guide with some trepidation. The woman was effervescent and attractive, seemingly unfamiliar attributes that Renyke was surprised to have noticed. Such exuberances were not encouraged in the Midcasts but Renyke was inexplicably drawn to her zeal and fervour as she moved through the streets like a tiger queen.

Market traders were selling an array of live animals, electronic devices, even workers by the hour for a range of uses from labouring, singing and even sexual services.

Renyke was feeling confused at the evidence before him. Things did not seem logical to his organised brain. The noise, the intensity, a million unrelated instances of life weaving through time and space. These were  chaotic waveforms traveling horseback on a loud wind. It was making him giddy. 

'What's with the frown Mr?' The woman seemed empathetic.

'I don't know, something familiar maybe, here, this street.'

'I would know if you had graced our streets before my friend.' The woman was staring intently into Renyke's eyes making him feel self conscious. You got stranger written all over that face, let me tell you.'

The woman greeted traders and passersby. She was well known here although POS was not able to ascertain much data.

The woman is 20, human,, she has had a child said POS...

They arrived at a unit with barricades and metal shutters. It was constructed from an old underground train carriage, probably from the twenty-first century.

'Here we go,' said the woman
'That's 50 G-bits for getting you here Mr.'

'I have to get some money first,' said Renyke
'What do I need, I have no ID?'

'You don't need ID here Mr. This is the *hiddens' zone, the Urchs got no ID. No ID, no problem. This is a very special bank just for people like you.'

'Well, how do I get money?' asked Renyke, now confused about accessing anything that may be stored in his POS and dubious about sharing his identity.'

The woman laughed.
'Ya gotta put sometin' up my friend.

'Like my coat?' asked Renyke.

'Na, not in the bank! Your software, course, or hardware, or files, whatever.....just plug in, give some data, get some g-bits innit. They take apps, software, POS.....

Day to Day Data..... is their wayta.....

The woman cackled then sighed, observing Renyke's discomfort.

'I'll take you in OK, I know the banker.'

Renyke pondered the likelihood of a successful solo effort and nodded in agreement.

The woman bashed on the metal door and a hatch opened.

'It's me, Queen,ie, got a client for ya big guy.'

Dark peering eyes checked them up and down through a small rectangle.

'Not the animals', said a loud booming voice after tentatively opening a heavily armoured door.

Inside was well guarded by large-framed menacing characters. They were standard issue security droids, the like of older versions that had been discontinued and recalled then disassembled and officially disposed of. Security in the Midcasts was controlled by forcefields and lasers with little need for big ugly droids. 

Renyke was ushered into a small cubical with an array of plugs and wires. 

The woman gestured he should go in as she waited near the door under the watchful eye of the droid.

POS was glitching.

Everything in the cubical looked antiquated, probably from the early tech years.
There was a chair and Renyke was motioned to sit down.

He hesitated.
'How does this work?' He asked a large droid.

The droid seemed stupefied, slow and sluggish, as if he had been drained of power. He spoke slowly with slurred words. There were intermittent beeping noises and error warnings coming from inside his head.

'Here is the current exchange rate,' said the droid, pointing to a monitor with flashing figures. 'As soon as you are plugged in, we see what you got and make an offer. Then we transfer. You get a voucher here.'

He pointed to a small printing machine, 'then take it over there and get g-bits or s bits.'

There were hundreds of wires and plugs seemingly for extracting and monitoring every device from the last couple of centuries. Anything from antique video machines to digital clocks, and hundreds of handset devises seemed to have a lead on offer.

Renyke spotted the Mark 3 Droid Cable and shuddered.

He checked his applications. Then all the add-ons. He checked for any temp files he could get rid of. Then he checked the POS and asked if there was a clean-up they could run.

System is currently set to factory install. Removing program files or data could be detrimental to smooth function....this action is not supported.....

More searching......then finally

One file found
Unknown origin 
Possible memory file from last OS 
Appears surplus to current operational needs but I am unable to access file contents

The big droid began clicking its fingers slowly and grimacing. His equally thug like colleague approached and joined in.

The woman, looking restless by the door, ushered Renyke to hurry up 

Can we operate without it? Renyke asked POS'

There is a possibility, according to my calculations, of serious malfunction

The droids moved closer and the clicking intensified.

To be continued

© 2023 Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

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Find out more about the Tale Teller Club

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. 

Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays 
Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. 
Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 

Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Dec 27, 2023

Unveiling Secrets: A Journey into "That Affair Next Door" by Anna Katharine Green

Our latest audiobook series awaits!

Mystery and intrigue have always captivated readers, and one classic piece that stands the test of time is "That Affair Next Door" by Anna Katharine Green. Published in 1897, this novel takes us on a thrilling journey through the world of crime and investigation, offering a glimpse into the societal norms and expectations of the late 19th century. As we delve into the pages of this gripping tale, we uncover the secrets that lie behind closed doors and explore the brilliant mind of a pioneering female detective.

Anna Katharine Green: A Trailblazer in Mystery Writing:

Before diving into the intricacies of "That Affair Next Door," it's essential to recognize the author, Anna Katharine Green, as a trailblazer in the mystery genre. Born in 1846, Green was one of the first American writers to venture into detective fiction. Her works laid the foundation for future generations of mystery writers, and her skilful storytelling paved the way for iconic characters and thrilling narratives.


"That Affair Next Door": Unraveling the Plot:

The novel opens with the discovery of a murder that takes place in a quiet neighborhood. The protagonist, Miss Amelia Butterworth, is not a detective by profession but a keen observer and amateur sleuth. Green's choice of an unconventional detective adds a unique flavor to the story. Miss Butterworth's sharp intellect and astute observations lead her to become entangled in the investigation of the mysterious affair next door.

Green skillfully weaves a complex plot, introducing a range of characters with motives and secrets of their own. As Miss Butterworth delves deeper into the case, she navigates through the intricacies of 19th-century society, uncovering scandalous affairs, hidden motives, and societal expectations that serve as a backdrop to the murder mystery.

Themes and Social Commentary:

"That Affair Next Door" not only serves as a riveting mystery but also offers a glimpse into the social norms and expectations of the late 1800s. Green uses her narrative to comment on the roles and constraints imposed on women during that era. Miss Butterworth's character challenges the conventional expectations placed on women, portraying them as more than just passive observers.

The novel also explores themes of deception, betrayal, and the façades people put on to maintain societal standing. As the layers of secrecy are peeled away, readers are confronted with the harsh realities that lie beneath the polished veneer of high society.

Legacy and Influence:

Anna Katharine Green's "That Affair Next Door" has left an indelible mark on the mystery genre. Her innovative approach to storytelling and the creation of a strong, independent female detective paved the way for future writers like Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers. The novel remains a testament to Green's ability to craft compelling mysteries that transcend time.


"That Affair Next Door" is a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its intricate plot, well-drawn characters, and social commentary. Anna Katharine Green's contribution to the mystery genre is undeniable, and her legacy lives on through the pages of this classic work. As we immerse ourselves in the world of Miss Amelia Butterworth, we are reminded of the enduring allure of a well-crafted mystery that transcends the boundaries of time and societal norms.

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 
Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube