Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Jul 26, 2024

Strata 9, Immersion V1, Loins and Lust (Limerence)

lovers embrace art painting iServalan art

Limerence is a uniquely human phenomenon that new lovers, potential lovers and sometimes even strangers, may experience. Limerence is a state of mind (not solely romantic) that typically includes persistent, sometimes depressing thoughts, and a deep yearning for the object of one's affection. It can be easily confused with love. Often human beings can find themselves addicted to these obsessive feelings and can easily be overwhelmed by adoration for another human being. Limerence cannot be turned on and off like a machine. It can come from nowhere and disappear without logic. The experience of this sensory state is proven to be inspiring, connective, unifying, disruptive, and even excruciating, yet it continues to mark the human trajectory of existence through time and place.

Renyke thinks for a moment then says

'Ok, I will swap my coat but not until we get to the *edge,'

Shabra smiles and nods.

'OK, *dundeal Mr. Renyke Man. We go tonight when the dark takes. Safer see.'


The group is in an enclosure flanked by half-deconstructed concrete walls. There are large metal containers lying around with shrubbery and foliage trying to make a stand against the manmade environment.

Tumbleweed played in the soft wind searching for a home.

Flex kicked some redundant ashes by an upturned metal water tank.

'I can make us a fire,' he said excitedly.

Maybeline scurries around searching for food and sniffing the air.

She smells something, danger is afoot.

Flex is armed with a pocket of lighters.

He wears a brightly coloured patchwork gaberdine style overcoat with inside pockets that have everything a nomad would need. There are small pieces of mechanical paraphernalia, vintage innards from antique items, little motors. He even has motherboards and old PC parts.

‘Do you take this stuff everywhere you go?’ asks Renyke.

‘Yes sir-ee, some days man’dun gotta make *swapsie-trade.

Everything has a use in the Zones brother.'

Renyke began to pace, ’Shabra is taking her time,’ he said standing near the opening of the enclosure.

‘She’ll come, she is huntin’ tis all my friend. You got attached already?’

Renyke stared at Flex a moment.

‘We need that ride," he said.

Then he checked the OS whose signal was intermittent.

'.......What are the signs of being attracted to somebody?'

The OS took a moment to compile a response……..

……Do you mean In humans Renyke?

'……yes, yes, of course ‘humans’, Renyke replied.'

The OS continued

…..nervousness around the subject of the attraction

…..extended thoughts about the subject

…..obsessive thoughts beyond normal curiosity about the subject

…..insomnia due to obsessive considerations of the subject

…..anxiety over possible outcomes of imaginary scenarios involving the subject

…..a desire to touch the intimate parts of the subject

…..dreams about the subject

…..fantasy building scenarios between the human and the subject

…..being overly concerned about….

‘Enough,’ said Renyke.

Finally Shabra returned.

She carried two dead animals in her belt and washed a wide glinting blade under the water that flows from a broken pipe behind the container.

‘This water’s good. We can fill up the tanks and flask before we go.’

The new acquaintances are relaxed and considering preparing for the short but dangerous car journey to the Edge.

Shabra checked the vehicle mechanics, the doors and metal buttresses worked in perfect synch and there were six exhausts. She filled the water kegs and put them in the boot.

‘Where is the vehicle from?’ Asked Renyke.

‘I built it,' answered Shabra, 'from scratch. 'Well, I had several wrecks and put my beaut together.

Me n her, we like lovers. She drives me crazy with her vibes.’

Shabra looked at Renyke parting her lips into a wry smile. They were oily from the fat of the meal.

She winked through long dark lashes.

Renyke felt a thump in his heart, a deep penetrating surge of something enthralling.

Suddenly there is a distant high-pitched sound, like a siren or swarm. It seems to be getting louder when Flex and Shabra grab Renyke, throwing him into the vehicle.

Seconds later they were surrounded by a marauding mass of screaming children. some were made of broken body parts with human faces, others were small walking babies with burnt skin. Some had extra limbs and even two heads. They were crying and screeching, banging toy drums and chanting verses.

to be continued

2023 Sarnia de la Mare / Tale Teller Club

iServalan LogoSPREAKER        APPLE PODCAST      SPOTIFY.          I❤️RADIO

Find out more about the Tale Teller Club
iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. 
Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays 
Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. 
Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 

Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Jun 18, 2024

What is The Book of Immersion Video Book Series by the Tale Teller Club?

Project Immersion was born out of the chaos and confusion that fuelled the zeitgeist during Covid, the Ukrainian Russia war and ongoing struggles in Palestine.
'I was recovering from cancer and experiencing a sudden menopause along with all this chaos everywhere I turned,' explained author Sarnia de la Maré FRSA.

Book of Immersion iServalan
'Trying to make sense of human existence is hard enough without all the added trauma that we all had in our lives, and still do.
Then there was AI! I personally have been using AI for years, most of us have, it really isn't as new as people think. But I was curious about the panic it seemed to be causing. Like all revolutions, similar to the fear of industrialisation, we will adjust. Then we will have another wave as we wonder what all the fuss was about.

So I wanted to create an alternative space where my own enlightenment could manifest in characters and scenarios that would help people escape the torment.
I got ordained and quite simply found myself transcending through art and music to a place of self realisation and peace. This is nothing to do with God by the way, I am the most unreligious person you will ever meet. But I do believe in something other, something greater, and that something is evident in art and music, in dance, in sensory and emotional feelings.

The book started life as a role play game but the funding was all gone as I set up my recording studio and bought my instruments. The funding from The Future's Venture Foundation meant that I could buy real kit that worked. I had been making do with out of tune equipment and poor quality tech up until then.
So I rewrote the first volume as a video novel using animation video and CDM, or cerebral dance music.
Dance, albeit it a fantasy one, a celebration of shapes and movement in lines rather than me prancing around being expressive (though I do do that as well), is really central to the music. I use a lot of percussive stuff too, rhythmic and beat centred compositions to hook listeners in. Then I seduce them with layered lyrics and harmonies that are created by the Tale Teller Club Homotechs.
The Homotechs are central to the concepts I explore on the novel.

The Book of Immersion evolves and has taken on a life of its own. I am excited about where the series will take me in the future.'

You can find out more about project Immersion below. for our Saturday workshops.

iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 


You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube
All Episodes Playlist on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

VIDEO BOOKS by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1 Book of Immersion

Strata 2 Book of Immersion

Strata 3 Book of Immersion

Strata 4 Book of Immersion

Strata 5 Book of Immersion

Strata 6 Book of Immersion

Episodes with text

#tools #contentcreators #music #freeringtones #freeloops #freelyrics #news #breakingnews #books #sarniadelamare #iservalan #taletellerclub

May 17, 2024

Strata 4 The Zoners (Meeting Strangers) The Book of Immersion V1

 Welcome to Immersion, you have reached Strata 4

tribeswoman feathers headgear boots fashion fantasy clothes cat pet fur colour tattoos face tattoo

There is an old saying from when the world had stories made of paper that you cannot judge a book by its cover. But sometimes, without metadata, the cover is all you have to show the secrets within. Humans understand that a person's demeanour and outward profile can reveal something of their intent. There is a sort of human telepathy that is not bourn of scientific facts. It is intrinsic, passed down through culture and evolution, a hidden and secretive code of social understanding.

But how would an android make sense of the tiny signals that humans pick up on? The millions of minute evolving syntax and expressions that create conscious and subsonscious feelings and hunches. These are essential to humans but less easy to create or mimic in even advanced computerised systems. How do these assumptions translate across time and cultures? How do machines function successfully within complex human scenarios. Strangers are unpredictable, dangerous, and likely to be in control.

A deeper understanding of the unknown without evidence is the ability to immediately resonate with individuals without reason.. It would seem that the bigger the data the less the machines are able to explain these innate human idiosyncrasies. In the attempt to create a facsimile of a human, the machines move further away from the truth.


Renyke kicked the *robo-dog and it went flying high up into the air. It fell to the ground with a metallic crash scattering its parts asunder and making mechanical screeching sounds that made people stare.

There was a general momentary hush as everyone realised Renyke should be avoided.

Maybeline climbed inside the leather coat to keep out of any ensuing danger.

The robo-dog made several bleeping sounds and drew its broken metallic components back onto its magnetic mainframe. Finally, after a 30-second system reboot, it got up and shook its fake hair, once again assembling a near perfect dog. 

As Renyke walked on the dog remained at heel, obedient, quiet, and protective. They were now given room to move into the throng. No one made eye contact and as if by some telepathic communication, everyone shared a nervousness around the new stranger.

The dodgy-looking man offering bits and nibs reappeared and was running at Renyke's side.

'My name is Flex. You need anything, man, I got your back....for sure, for sure. I can do all sorts. I got connects innit.

I know these streets. I'm a good worker. Good mugger too, should you ever need one.'

Got drugs, got tools, all sorts.... survived like a pro all my life on the mean streets….  People like you need people like me. No one knows the zones like the *Urchs.'

Renyke walked on ignoring his now irritating companion who was running, talking, and panting all at once as he tried to keep up.

A child approached. Renyke's scanners showed him to be a human boy, around seven years old.

'Hey Mr. Nice Man from the *brightside, spare some *bits for a hungry blind child?'

Renyke looked down and saw a large black hole where the boy's eye had been. The other eye was weepy and red. The boy’s face was scarred from historic deep-cut wounds and he appeared to be missing an arm.

Renyke had seen images of similar wounds from the Russia-China wars. But they had ended many years before.

'Give the boy something,' Renyke scowled at Flex.

Flex, somewhat wary after seeing the incident with the dog, dug deep into a pocket and reluctantly gave the boy a *bit-piece.

'Now *fucksyoff ya lil shit,' said Flex in a disgruntled manner.

'You can't trust these beggars ya know.....they have owners and gangs,' Flex informed Renyke in an all-knowing tone.

The street was lined with ramshackle stalls and shops. They were noisy and crowded with the bustling activities of theatrical looking people. Some had animals on leads or on their shoulders. Monkeys and parrots, the like of which Renyke had never come across in his massive data bass.

Most had tribal markings on their faces. Others wore decorated eyewear, styled spectacles, masks and headgear.

The attire seemed so impractical to Renyke who had always worn the same clothes and had aspired to a streamlined functionality. But he was rather enjoying his new coat.

A woman approached. She is dressed in bright colourful headgear and boots with huge feathers and sequins. She has some kind of cat on a lead.

Renyke engaged POS focusing on the cloth.

…Pertriline: Brand name for a fabric made from plastics. Non-biodegradble. Colourfast. Banned in 2050. Problematic for any practical landfill solutions....

Then he queried the face coverings....

…It is thought likely that tribal face markings in the zones are used mostly to avoid face recognition from satellites and covert surveillance. Different factions, tribes and even ad hoc groups have adopted more uniform styles which signal gang and other connections. These signals change regularly to avoid detection and discovery. 

It is understood that the underground activities that connect tribes, gangs, and families, have adopted coded clothing and other paraphernalia. Information is unconfirmed….these are theoretical assumptions based on data we have stripped whenever possible from prisoners or members of subversive factions….

The woman with the cat stops Renyke in his tracks. Her cat stares at him making eye contact and edging forward. Renyke also stops.

'Hey, Mr. Come on man, you must need something? You want some toggies? I swap the coat for a nice jacket I got me just yesterday.’

Renyke shook his head with one eye on the cat who was looking restless.

'You want some tits-n-ass Man you look hungry in yo skinny moves.'

Renyke side stepped the woman and continued walking, not really sure what she meant. The dialect was a strange mix of unknown words and rhythmic intonation, almost songlike.

'A bank maybe, or a charge point?’ Shouted the woman as Renyke moved on.

He stopped suddenly and queried, 'There's a bank?’

'Of course,' said the woman, 'what you take us for, wild ignorant animals?' She laughed hysterically at her own joke, and Renyke smiled. The cat finally stopped staring.

'Yes, I need a bank,' Said Renyke.

'Come with me,' said the woman.

© 2024 Sarnia de la Maré

iServalan LogoSPREAKER        APPLE PODCAST      SPOTIFY.          I❤️RADIO

Find out more about the Tale Teller Club
iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music. 
Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays 
Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies. 
Tale Teller Kids: Under 5s and Under 8s 

Check out our Podcast below

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12
Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube