Jan 3, 2024

The Soldier by The Marchioness of Dorchester (circa 1625 written during the The Anglo-French War )

The Soldier by The Marchioness of Dorchester (circa 1625 during the The Anglo-French War ) A suitor bold and handsome once arrived Twas early in a day unspent A proud soldier on horseback, A burning wish to vent ‘In courtly dance I wield mine mighty dart’ Said he, appearing finely dress’d In polished armour His lance Colossal, For this quest confessed. ‘With quivering heart, I seek mine lady fair, Her love the target of my fervent plea’ Said he Such chivalric pursuit was indeed Beyond compare His lance, a beacon of…. Virility. ‘Yet, not in war, but passion's grand display, I wield mine Shaft, Erect, a symbol of desire To pierce the veils that shroud love's subtle play In earnest yearning To set your heart afire. Behold, mine love, this lance of passion true, A token bold, my heart laid bare for you. Would mine lady touch my lance Before I leave Tonight for France?’ ©2024 Sarnia de la Mare taletellerclub.com iservalan.com sdelamare.blogspot.com

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